Some studies have found that those with PMDD have a higher risk of postpartum depression. These studies found that those with PMS or PMDD are about 2-3 times more likely to experience postpartum depressive symptoms than those who do not have PMS/PMDD. (However, these studies were based on self-report of past PMS/PMDD symptoms, not current prospective PMDD symptom tracking.) While there may be an increased risk, this does NOT mean that every woman who has PMDD will definitely develop postpartum depression. Still, postpartum mood monitoring is important for women with PMDD; if you have PMDD and become pregnant, it is important to monitor your mood and notify your healthcare provider if you start to experience a worsening mood in the postpartum.
Fortunately, the reverse situation - that having postpartum depression leads to a higher chance of having PMDD - does not appear to be true. For instance, among those with PMDD, only about 12% had experienced postpartum depression prior to having PMDD, which is similar to women without PMDD. In another study, those who had had more pregnancies had reduced premenstrual symptom severity, although not all of these had PMDD.
There is no strong evidence to suggest a relationship between PMDD and postpartum psychosis.
Of course, human bodies are complicated and we are all different. Be prepared and monitor any symptoms and concerns you have and see a supportive health care professional so you can be supported through any big life changes.