What causes (and doesn't cause!) PMDD.
Is PMDD caused by a hormone imbalance?
Is PMDD the same as luteal phase progesterone deficit?
Do those with PMDD have issues metabolizing hormones such as progesterone or estrogen in the liver? Is this a clearance issue or an accumulation issue? What helps if this is the case?
What is happening with the hormonal levels in those with PMDD? Is it high cortisol, high estrogen, or high insulin levels? What lab work shows PMDD?
What is an anovulatory cycle?
Does a hormone intolerance have anything to do with PMDD? Can PMDD become a hormone intolerance and not just a sensitivity to the fluctuations of hormones?
What is the role of histamine and mast cells in PMS and PMDD? Can antihistamines help alleviate pmdd symptoms?
Is there a relationship between adrenaline and PMDD?
What is the role of inflammation and PMDD?
Does MTHFR cause PMDD, or vice versa?
Is there a connection between Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and PMDD?