Common questions about hormone based treatments - such as hormonal birth control
Have you heard whether the hormonal IUD (“Mirena”) helps with PMDD? My doctor thinks it might help because it gets rid of your period.
Can estrogen treatment (pill, gel, patch, implant, etc.) help relieve PMDD symptoms?
Should PROVERA be prescribed for people with PMDD who have a late period?
What about using Bazedoxifene (selective estrogen receptor modulator) instead of progestogens for endometrial protection during cycle suppression or HRT with estradiol?
Can I skip the sugar pills of my birth control pills to treat my PMDD? Should I take my pill continuously or take the break to have a bleed every month?
Can progesterone cream help PMDD?
What is the impact of hormonal IUDs (specifically Mirena/levonorgestrel IUD) on PMDD symptoms?
Is there a difference between ‘Yaz’ and ‘Yazmin’ birth control pills?
I was recently diagnosed with pmdd and prescribed Yaz. Will this help increase my sex drive?