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PMDD, Surgery & Surgical Menopause
PMDD, Surgery & Surgical Menopause

Commonly asked questions from those considering, going through, or on the other side of surgery for PMDD.

What is surgical menopause?
What are the symptoms of Surgical Menopause?
What is the ‘success/satisfaction’ rate for THBSO/surgery in treatment for PMDD?
How does surgical menopause influence estrogen levels?
How is surgical menopause different from the natural menopause?
My Doctor wants to just do a hysterectomy but leave my ovaries in - will this get rid of PMDD?
Do I still need to have pap smears after the surgery? Does keeping or not keeping my cervix change that?
What are the other reasons that someone might need or want to be in surgical menopause?
I had pre-eclampsia in pregnancy - will it recur in surgical menopause?
How do I know if I am progesterone intolerant? For surgery for PMDD, how does this alter the process/procedure?
Should I take HRT the whole time I am in chemical menopause or start a few months in? What if I was not prescribed HRT by my Dr?
What different options are there for Hysterectomy and Oophorectomy surgery?
What do all the acronyms mean? e.g. BO, BSO, THBO and THBSO?
Where can I find help and support for surgical menopause?
I have PMDD - what is the process for getting approved for surgery?
For the treatment of PMDD can I leave my ovaries in and just have the hysterectomy?
Will having a Total Hysterectomy / BSO affect my other pelvic organs?
Where can I find a glossary of terms to explain Surgical Menopause acronyms?
What other organs produce estrogen, progesterone and testosterone? What happens when the ovaries are removed?
Is Surgical Menopause the same as Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)?
How can I find a doctor that is knowledgeable in surgical menopause and hormone sensitivities such as PMDD & PME?
What do I need to consider regarding having my cervix removed?
I have PMDD and adenomyosis - Will having my uterus removed cure adenomyosis?

Before I have surgery (oophorectomy) should I have my hormone levels tested to see where I feel good level-wise? Or does it not work like that?
What can I show my doctor to educate them about the importance of estrogen therapy in surgical menopause?
Are there side effects of estrogen or progestogens in surgical menopause?
Is testosterone HRT available on the NHS? (UK)
All about Testosterone Therapy in Surgical Menopause
I still have my uterus. What can I show my doctor to educate them about the importance of progestogen therapy in surgical menopause?
What are the risks of taking estrogen in surgical menopause?
What are the benefits of taking a progestogen in surgical menopause?
How long does estrogen take to work? How long should I try out a certain dose before making a change?
How do I know if my progestogen is protecting me against uterine overgrowth?
How much progestogen do I need as add-back if I am using estrogen-therapy?
How long do progestogens take to work? How long should I try out a certain dose before making a change?
What are the risks of taking a progestogen in surgical menopause?
How long does it take for GnRH to work? What causes the surge at the beginning of chemical menopause?
What is hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?
How does surgical menopause influence progesterone levels?
What if I want to avoid hormone replacement therapy (HRT) due to a history of PMDD (e.g. emotional hormone sensitivity)?
Do I need to take hormones while in surgical menopause? I don't really want to.
Are there risks in using HRT if you are overweight/obese?
What are the chances of experiencing blood clots by using estrogen-therapy? Does smoking increase the risk?
Does using estrogen raise the risk of getting cancer for those in surgical menopause? Can I take it if I’m in surgical menopause but BRCA1 or BRCA2 positive?
I am in surgical menopause -should I have blood tests to check my post-op levels? Is so, how often? What are the optimal levels?
What if I can’t take HRT due to genetic risk of cancer or blood clots?
What is the difference between HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and MHT (Menopausal Hormone Therapy)?
Does HRT come from horses' urine? What HRT is suitable for vegans?
I kept my uterus and need progestogen 'add-back' to my estrogen therapy. What are progestogens?
When should I start progestogen therapy? When should I stop taking it?
Will my GP be able to prescribe HRT?
How easy is it to access a menopause specialist?
What is the difference between bioidentical and body identical HRT? Are hormones from a compounding pharmacy safer or more effective? Should I do salivary hormone testing to determine if I have a hormone imbalance?
Should I be examining my breasts whilst on HRT?
Are there any alternatives to estrogen in surgical menopause?
Will drinking alcohol whilst in surgical menopause/on HRT affect my mood?